

Caricatures using Photoshop

                        Taylor Laughter

                                                      Miley Cyrus (Extra Credit)


My new fflavor of 5 gum

It got a little messy at the end but overall, I think it's pretty cool!



Cooming Soon...

Don't worry! Cool posts are coming soon! Hang in there. We are going to be working on cool design projects soon...


If you have any suggestions for this blog, feel free to ask. I will consider your suggestions.
Hey, I'm Kimber, if you haven't already noticed. This blog is for my many assignments in Mr. Griffith's computers class. I know, when I say "assignments" you suddenly become uninterested. But wait! Before you leave, let me tell you that in a few weeks, this blog will be anything but boring. I will be posting all kinds of things, anywhere from cool Photo shopped pictures and edited videos to mind-blowing 3D animation and home design. So consider sticking around, because I bet you will enjoy at least one thing about my blog. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoy Kimber's Klub! Feel free to join.